We are committed to deliver world class services in the field structural repairs, rehabilitation, structural strengthening & retrofitting of all types of engineered RCC Structures & steel structures and construction of buildings.
What we do
Repairs & Strengthening
Repairs & strengthening, is an integral part of infrastructure industry today. structural repairs & strengthening may be required for increasing load capacity of beams, columns, walls, and/or slabs, seismic retrofitting, supporting additional live or dead loads not included in original design, or to restore original load capacity to damaged structural elements. broadly, the repairs to concrete structures are classified into:

New Construction
With years of experience in handling repairs and strengthening of critical building structures, Structural Specialties has diversified the services and emerged the division of construction. SSPL has emerged as construction contractors exercising the engineering skills with construction of various types of buildings viz. Residential / commercial / institutional buildings, industrial structures, it park, ware house structures, etc. Structural Specialties & projects (india) pvt. ltd., has developed a team of well experienced construction professional engineers to proficiently and successfully complete the projects in a timely manner with utmost quality and safety standard.

The most important role of waterproofing is to protect a building’s visual and structural integrity by forming an impervious envelop around the building which will prevent water entry into the building areas.
Types of waterproofing systems

A coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. The purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both. various kinds of coatings exist in the market which provide functionality and aesthetic end results.
Some of the specialized coatings include:
- Acrylic / obd / lime wash"
- Anti-carbonation coatings"
- Corrosion inhibitors"
- Abrasion resistant coatings"
- Chemical resistant coatings"
- Temperature resistant coatings"


Industrial Plant and Factories
Structural Specialities collaborates with various stakeholders from owners to consultants and actively participates in evolving a Methodology for Cost Effective Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, which is best suited for the structure.
Structural Specialities has experience of working in various kinds of industrial structures:
- Petrochemical / Refineries
- Cement / Grinding
- Pharmaceutical / Food
- Copper / Aluminium smelters
- Engineering / Production
Services Offered:
- Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation
- Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting
- Waterproofing & Coatings
- Corrosion Mitigation

Repairs to buildings either residential or commercial turn out to be the most complicated of jobs as it entails working with not only occupants but also numerous services such as Electricals, HVAC, Plumbing etc.
A building may require the repairs to its external envelope which is designed and constructed to keep the vagaries of nature at bay or the rehabilitation of concrete either for durability or structural
strengthening purposes.
Structural Specialities has a vast experience in handling repairs & strengthening of various types of buildings. We use the latest methods and materials to provide solutions to a wide range of problems. Our
skills & expertise are availed to all types of engineered RCC & steel framed buildings.
Structural Specialities has experience of working in various kinds of buildings:
- Residential / Hostels
- Commercial / Office
- Hospitals / Hotels
- Educational / Research
Services Offered:
- Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation
- Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting
- Waterproofing & Coatings
- Corrosion Mitigation

Power Plants
Structural Specialities offers repair and refurbishment of Power Industry buildings and structures using a variety of techniques. Our services include Concrete repairs, Protective coatings, Cathodic Protection, Guniting, Resin injection, Carbon fibre wrapping, Steel plate bonding, Deck waterproofing and Investigation surveys. Due to the sensitive nature of the and Power Industry, all projects are staffed by our own skilled, in-house workmen and Management, all of whom are fully trained and vetted to work within the industry.
Structural Specialities has experience of working in various kinds of power plants:
- Thermal
- Hydel
Services Offered:
- Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation
- Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting
- Waterproofing & Coatings
- Corrosion Mitigation

Bridges & Culvert
Structural Specialities uses wide range of techniques for accomplishing the desired task and has to its disposal a wide array of techniques, materials and equipment to make the toughest of jobs simple.
Structural Specialities provides a country wide service in repairs, rehabilitation and strengthening of all kind of bridge structures ranging from:
- Railway Bridges
- Road Bridges
- Pedestrian bridges
- Pipe / Box culverts
Services Offered:
- Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation
- Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting
- Waterproofing & Coatings
- Corrosion Mitigation

Marine Structures
Marine structures are often more susceptible to corrosion and damage due to the environments in which they are situated
Structural Specialities is able to carry out repairs and strengthening of various structures including Jetties, Wharves, Quay walls and Offshore facilities.
Structural Specialities has experience of working in various kinds of marine structures:
- Jetties / Wharfs
- Breakwaters / Gravity berths
- Quay walls / Dry docks
- Intake structures
Services Offered:
- Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation
- Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting
- Waterproofing & Coatings
- Corrosion Mitigation

Water Retaining Structures
Structural Specialities has been in the business of providing refurbishment services to water and sewerage facilities, throughout the country. As a result, it is well placed to provide the range of refurbishment services required to meet the water industry’s current programme of updating facilities for both potable and waste water treatment.
Structural Specialities has experience of working in various kinds of water retaining structures:
- Dams & Canals
- Aquaducts and Syphons
- Over head / On ground Reservoirs
Services Offered:
- Structural Repairs & Rehabilitation
- Structural Strengthening & Retrofitting
- Waterproofing & Coatings
- Corrosion Mitigation

Durability Repairs
Durability Repairs are Carried out to structures which show deterioration to non-structural area of concrete. Some of the findings of structure signifying requirement of durability repairs are:
- Cover Concrete is spalled in Columns, Beams, Slabs, other elements
- Chajjas / Pardi’s and other non-structural members exhibit damages
- Core Concrete (concrete inside rebar) is sound and intact.
- Façade needs to be replaced – New plasters and coating
- Tiles & other Finishes need replacement / repairs
- Cover concrete is rebuilt using PMM / Shotcrete
- Chajjas / Pardi’s are replaced with new members or are repaired using variety of materials

Structural Repairs
Structural Repairs are Carried-out to structures which exhibit structural damage in the core section of the concrete. Some of the findings of structure signifying requirement of Structural repairs are:
- Reduction in rebar > 20% Loss
- Spalling/damage/buckling of core concrete
- Main structural members such as columns, beams and slabs which form an integral part of the framework are damaged in core zone
- Core Concrete needs replacement including addition of new rebars
- Jacketing of foundations/Columns/Beams and Slabs
- Micro-concrete / Self-compacting concrete / Polymer modified Concrete/ Carbon / Glass Fibre Wrapping / Structural Steel / Ground Improvement / Micro Piles etc.

Structural Strengthening
Structural Strengthening is carried out in situations wherein there is a change in user requirements e.g. residential structure getting converted to commercial premise. New vertical loads being added, such as addition of floors, new loads such as chillers, cooling towers, Antenna’s being added on top of existing premises
- Usual strengthening practices involve strengthening by section enlargement using micro-concrete, Polymer modified Concrete, Self-Compacting Concrete, Steel plates / Sections and Carbon / Glass Fibre Wrapping
- Involves detailed redesign of the existing framework using strength of various elements.

Seismic Retrofitting
Seismic Retrofitting Buildings designed prior to 2002 may-not comply to Codal provisions of revised IS codes. To protect the old structures, from the effect of seismic forces, Specialized retrofitting process for to counter seismic forces involves:
- Addition of Shear Walls
- Introduction of Lateral Ties
- Jacketing of Columns / Beams
- Strengthening of Column / Beam junctions

Corrosion Mitigation
Corrosion in concrete occurs when the protective layer in concrete steel reinforcement is deteriorated. Steel in concrete is usually protected against corrosion by the high pH of the surrounding portland-cement paste. Cement paste has a minimum pH of 12.5, and steel will not corrode at that pH. If the pH is lowered (to pH 10 or less), corrosion will start occuring if moisture, oxygen, and chloride ions are present in the environment. Chloride ions destroy the protective layer on the steel reinforcement, making it prone to corrosion. The signs of corrosion present in concrete are:
- spalling of concrete and exposed corroded reinforcement
- uniform cracks development in the RCC members
- chloride content in excess of 0.6 as limit specified in per IS456:2000
Corrosion mitigation of concrete structures is essential to restrict the deterioration of structure by taking up following:
- repairs of existing damaged structure by using anti-corrosive treatment
- providing corrosion inhibiting coatings to new and old reinforcement
- repairs with polymer / epoxy mortar application
- provide corrosion inhibiting caplets / galvanic anodes to restrict corrosion

Polyurea coating technology is more recent and advanced system than the traditional ones used in waterproofing and protective coating applications. Polyurea provides corrosion & abrasion protection and are fast-setting spray coatings which serve various industries.

Polyurethane (also known as PU) is liquid / spray applied coating. The PU coating has extremely strong water-repellent characteristics. These coatings help protect substrates from various types of defects such as corrosion, weathering, abrasion and other deteriorating processes.

Spray Applied System
High performance Spray applied waterproofing coatings are essentially provided for large area of waterproofing, heavy traffic areas, vertical waterproofing like tunnels etc. Spray application is a rapid – up to three times faster than conventional waterproofing.

Liquid Applied System
The most common areas where waterproofing solutions fail is at joints and seams. Liquid-applied waterproofing can overcome this problem. Liquid-applied membrane (LAM) is a monolithic, fully-bonded, liquid- based coating suitable for many waterproofing waterproof membrane and may be applied over many substrates, including asphalt, bitumen and concrete.

Membrane Waterproofing
A waterproofing membrane is a thin layer of water-tight material that is laid over a surface. This layer is continuous and does not allow water to pass through it. A waterproofing membrane can be sandwiched between terrace structural slab and below the finish surface.

Conventional Systems
Though the modern techniques have evolved, conventional systems of Brickbat Coba waterproofing is still an effective way of providing waterproofing and insulation for thermal comfort for flat RCC roofs to prevent leakage of water. The conventional system can used where the structure is capable to take the dead load of the waterproofing system.